Wednesday, February 11, 2009

CORK (Council of Rugby in Korea) launched

A new organisation aimed at boosting rugby in Korea has been created and last night was the foundation ceremony. CORK will try to build a grass roots organisation across the whole of Korea using the "Sport for All" approach to get recognition and funding. Since rugby is linked so strongly with English, it is envisaged that English/Rugby coaching schools could be set up, staffed ideally by English native speakers as volunteer coaches. On this basis, it is expected that local authorities would support with the provision safe and suitable playing facilities.

Initially, the organisation wanted to incorporate Touch. This would be anathema to the Touch's governing body, the Federation of International Touch, and your correspondent implored CORK to support an entirely seperate organisation for Touch and for the two to collaborate on matters of interest. There is certainly synergy to be found in searching for grounds and in some cases, coaches too.

CORK could do wonders for rugby in Korea; it could catch all those who learn the sport at school but fail to carry on afterwards. And it can be a place for people to learn to love rugby even if they didn't play it as a student.

Feedback from the international community is positive; foreign rugby afficianados would love for there to be more rugby to play, watch and to encourage engagement with the local community. This is encouraging and anyone across the peninsula interested in volunteering their services as a coach or wanting to play rugby locally should post below and more information can be sent along with your local contact.

Bonne chance CORK!!!

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